Tessellation Tip

In order to keep them from crawling up the walls in their last week before summer vacation, I've given my seventh graders a tessellation project.  There are about ten million youtube videos explaining how to do this, so I won't bore you with the basics.  Instead, I'll just tell you about my struggles and how … Continue reading Tessellation Tip

Mother’s Education

Charlotte Mason educators often refer to the importance of "mother's education," a phrase that typically encompasses a mother's training in child-rearing, her study of child psychology and educational best practices, and for many moms, her personal spiritual growth through Bible studies and devotionals.  It may also include a mother's mastery of the material she is … Continue reading Mother’s Education

Geometric Drawing

This week, the big kids are working on their geometric constructions, mathematical drawings achieved with the use of only a compass and an unmarked straight edge. This is one of my favorite units to teach.  Mathematics in general is an incredibly beautiful discipline that explores patterns and the natural order of the universe.  While those … Continue reading Geometric Drawing